Visiting Royalty Information
The Topeka Rodeo extends an invitation to area rodeo royalty to attend our event. Arena introductions will be given to state Miss Rodeo titleholders, Miss Rodeo K-State and other PRCA sanctioned rodeo titleholders. Opportunities may exist, but are not guaranteed, to carry flags and to carry out other arena duties during rodeo performances. All other titles are welcome to attend rodeo performances and public pageant activities. All royalty must make contact no later than two weeks prior to the rodeo in order to make accommodations for your appearance. All visiting royalty are responsible for all costs associated with their appearance. Lodging accommodations will only be made for state level titleholders.
Visiting royalty is expected to be gracious, courteous and to follow the schedule provided by the queen's committee. They are expected to wear appropriate apparel during scheduled events including crown AND BANNER at all times. The Topeka Rodeo reserves the right to refuse an appearance by a queen.
Visiting royalty is expected to be gracious, courteous and to follow the schedule provided by the queen's committee. They are expected to wear appropriate apparel during scheduled events including crown AND BANNER at all times. The Topeka Rodeo reserves the right to refuse an appearance by a queen.